Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The cathedral ceiling on the north side of the sanctuary is nearing 
completion. Conduits for lighting and audio visual cables will be 
installed above the decking once it is complete. Then it will be 
insulated with four inches of rigid foam and covered with shingles. 

Neither words nor pictures can do justice to the simple beauty of the cathedral ceiling of our new sanctuary. Because the wood is pre-finished, the carpenters are taking special care to keep it covered and protected from the elements. While the next several days are forecast to be warmer than normal for January, the higher temperatures come with rain, which can slow construction. The construction crews would rather have dry days, even it it means colder weather. In the photos below you can see that they are making dramatic progress.

A carpenter with a safety harness fastens roof decking to the 
flat portion of the sanctuary ceiling.

The east wall of the sanctuary. The window to the crying room
is far left.The entryway is in the center. The floor above the entry
hall is the attic where the much of the HVAC equipment will go. A
removable panel in the wall above the door will allow for future
access to the equipment for repair and replacement.

The west end of the sanctuary. Carpenters are framing the walls
which will be dominated by large windows.

A view from the west to the east through the infant room. The 
doorway seen on the left will be an exit from the sanctuary.
The door seen on the right is a new exit door from the existing
fellowship hall. The exterior elements of the HVAC equipment will
be installed on the flat roof above this section of the new addition. 

A closer view through the infant room. Large windows will provide
a view completely through the building. Where the worker is 
standing will be the entryway from the fellowship hall to the
sanctuary and the offices. In the far distance will be the stairs
to the RE classrooms downstairs.

The choir room will have a vaulted ceiling with a clerestory window.

Crews are now facing the challenge of building the roof structure
that will be a dominant architectural feature. By next week the
framing of the roof gables should be more obvious. 

Another angle of the front of the building.

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